Rural-Urban Linkages, the Basis of Regional Development; Case Study: Ahvaz Township

Document Type : Research Paper



Rural-Urban linkages can have a tremendous impact on regional development, as it is mentioned the city as an engine of regional development. These effects can be create positive and productive role or negative and parasitic on their field or area and different from region to another region and from city to another city. It is therefore logical understanding these effects can be effective in the planning area. This research forms the main stream issue is, “Identify and determine the status of significant rural-urban linkages with regional development levels as well as explain the role germ or Parasitic of the city about it”. The research method is descriptive and analytical and based on using field data and documents. The statistical population research includes villages of 20 households to higher in Ahvaz Township and the sample size is 90 villages or about 50 percent of villages in the township. Used software is included Expert Choice and ArcGIS. To determine the level of regional development use of 120 development indicators and ElectreIII method used. Effect of town by the 11 mainstream with 40 links the village with the city measured and obtained a significant relationship among them regional development levels. Research findings showed that a total of 40 rural-urban linkage in the area, 34 cases in 9 affecting flow city, having a significant relationship and have a positive with level of regional development and the results indicate a positive and productive role in Ahvaz city on the levels of regional development.


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