phenomenalogy in geomorphology

Document Type : Research Paper


دانشگاه حکیم سبزواری


Change in the paradigms of a knowledge domain is considered the beginning of evolution in the literature, methodology, techniques and other cognitive components. Similarly, when the systematic approach replaced the classical methods, profound changes occurred in the empirical sciences, it was not until recently that humanities scientists lost opportunities which were analytically compensated by the critique of experimental sciences with the design of space geometry. In the meantime, Dilthey efforts to show the position of humanity and the discovery of a thousand secret mysteries in phenomenology by Husserl, Genette and Heidegger provided a way for another paradigm to formulate, putting an end to the one-hundred-year supremacy of The Vienna Circle. This Wave Would definitely infiltrate the geosciences against all odds. This focuses on the epistemic aspects of the approach, and through Genette method of text analysis, investigates the introduction of a phenomenological approach to Geography in the writings of Scientific characters, Gilbert Geomorphologist and thinker Hiller in space placement. phenomenology supplies a criticism on the history of contemporary of theoretical views in Geomorphology the purpose to clarify the intellectual differences in the field of phenomenology.
The results surveys show that: *Phenomenology tries to expand the scope of human experience beyond the definition of experience in the Vienna aspects of phenomena and the role of humans in their discovery and this does not employ the negation or invalidity of positivism.
*phenomenology in Geomorphology in contrast to phenomenology will be a more favorable guarantee of human experience about the world


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